About Me

My photo
My name is Crystal Scott. I am a daughter, a moma, wife,and school teacher. One of my aspirations as a little girl was to be a photographer. For as long as I can rememember I have loved photographs especially old family photos. I just love the stories they tell. After many encouragements from family and friends I am finally taking this on and I am very excited about it. Thank you for believing in me and supporting me. You may be wondering where the name Sassy Ray's comes from. Sassy is what we call our baby girl because that is what she is little Miss Scarlett Andrea Scott. Ray is for my son,Mason Ray. He is so handsome and charismatic. They are my everything and what better name to honor what I enjoy so much than my two precious children. They make everyday worth living and bring such joy to our family. This blog is just the beginning of the many memories I hope to capture. I hope you enjoy your visit. Please feel free to leave comments. Pricing- $150.00 for a 45min.-1hour session. This includes sitting fee and a picture cd. Contact me at cscott@opsb.net.

Thursday, December 30, 2010


This little sweetheart is one of our Arkansas cousins. She is such a little model and loved every minute of her photo shoot. She really knew how to work the camera. I always love a tutu to sass things up.


There's only one word to describe this little lady "Amazing." She is such a beauty from the inside out and so many people adore her. I just love her and her mom and dad. Thanks Wilson family for letting me capture your baby girl.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Sassy Ray's Cutest Kids Contest

Sassy Ray's is ringing the New Year in with a "Cutest Kids Contest"!! The contest starts today, Wednesday, December 22, and ends January 1, 2011. The winner will be announced on January 2.

How to win?- Post a snapshot of your child on the Sassy Ray's Photography facebook page and spread the word by inviting all your friends and family to help you out. They will have to become a fan of the Sassy Ray's Photography facebook page to be able to vote. All "Likes" will be votes for your photo and the photo with the most likes will be the winner.

Please follow the rules below:
1. No professional photographers
2. No professional photographs (just snap shots)
3. You may enter only one photo per child (if you have more than one child you may enter each child with a limit of one photo each)

The Prize:
The winner will receive a free photo session of the child that is in the winning photograph.

Thank you for all your support. I can't tell you how blessed I feel to be able to capture so many important memories and milestones. Merry Christmas Everyone!!!!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Remembering When

It's that time of year where we all think back on loved ones and special memories from the past. I pulled out this old trunk which was my mamaw's to use for a photo prop this past weekend. It really made me realize how much I miss her even though she has be in an angel for sometime now. Looking at these pictures of my baby girl I couldn't help but think how much she would have enjoyed and loved her. There are times when I even see my Mamaw in those baby blues. She had the prettiest blue eyes that were full of love and understanding. I always felt so safe and special around her. So today Mamaw I send these images up to you with love from your grandaughters!!!


This sweet fella was all alot of fun. I enjoyed visiting with him and his Mom. Thanks for allowing me to take pictures of your little man.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Little Red

These two I hold dear to my heart. Donice has been my best friend for many years now and Dylan just happens to be one of my sweet first graders this year. Him and I are tight. I am blessed to have them both in my life.

Baby Blue

This little cutie patootie just happens to be one of my favorite little boys. He has the most infectious smile and his blue eyes, well they speak for themselves. His mom and I are great friends and we just got lucky enough to become family, too. I love them both to pieces.